Jury at Cannes Lions (2023)
Jury President: London Int. Awards (Health & Wellness) 2018
Judge at London Int. Awards (2023, 2022, 2021, 2019; 2018; 2017)
Judge at The Clio Awards (2023; 2020-21)
Judge at One Show Awards (2023; 2019)
Judge at Dubai Lynx Awards (2022)
Executive Jury at The Global Awards (2019)
Judge at New York Festivals (2018; 2017)
Judge at Webby Awards (2018; 2017)
Judge at Lovie Awards (2018)
Mentor at Cannes Lions 'See It Be It' Programme
IADAS Associate Academy member (The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences)
Nelson Mandela Business Chamber - Top 40 under 40
Graduated CANNES Young Creative Academy


CANNES Lions -
Innovation Lions Grand Prix, 27 Lions; 49 Shortlists
CANNES Lions -
Agency of the Year: 2018 (HAVAS Lynx); 2015 (Langland)
CLIO Awards -
15 X Gold, 22 X Silver, 22 X Bronze; Clio Health Agency of the Year (2021)
2 x Best in Discipline; 5 x Gold, 2 x Silver, 1 X Bronze, 21 X Merit
- 1 Grand LIA, 7 x Gold; 11 X Silver; 10 X Bronze; 20 X Finalists; Global Health Agency of the Year (2021); North American Agency of the Year (2021)

D&Ad - 1 X Wood Pencil
1 X Grandy (Best of Social Good), 4 x Gold New York Festivals - 1 x Grand Prix, 7 x Gold, 3 x Silver, 5 x Bronze
Creative Floor Awards
- 13 X Winner
EPICA Awards -
1 X Gold, 1 X Bronze
2 X Webby Winner, 5 X Nomination; 2 X Honoree
NEW YORK Festivals
- 1 X Grand Global (agency of Year), 4 X Global Awards; 5 x Gold, 2 x Silver, 5 x Bronze
AdHealth World Top 10
- Number 1 (2021); Number 5 (2023)
LOVIE Awards
- 2 X Bronze
DRUM Awards
- 1 X Commendation
LOERIE Awards -
2 X Silver, 1 X Bronze, 9 X Shortlist
IPA Best of Health
- 1 X Best of Show, 1 X Gold, 3 X Silver
EAGLE Awards
- 1 X Fledgling
AOTM - 1 X Gold
Assegai Awards
- 1 X Gold, 1 X Silver, 2 X Bronze
Creative Circle Awards
- 3 X Ad of the Month
ANTALIS Art of Desig
n - 1 X Merit
SAPPI Thinkahead Awards
- 1 X Silver, 1 X Merit